Upgrade DHF

If you need to upgrade to an older version before upgrading to the latest release:

Upgrade to DHF 4.3


Data Hub Framework 4.3.3 requires the following software:

  • MarkLogic Server:

    • For DHF 4.3.3, MarkLogic Server 11.x version. (See the version compatibility page for other DHF versions.)

    • If you are upgrading both DHF and MarkLogic, you can upgrade them independently of each other as long as you are running a version of MarkLogic Server that is compatible with the DHF version you plan to install. (See Version Compatibility.) If you are running an older version of MarkLogic Server, then you must upgrade MarkLogic Server before upgrading DHF.

    • If you would like to use MarkLogic Server 11, you must upgrade to Data Hub 4.3.3 or Data Hub 5+.

  • JRE 11

  • Data Hub 4.3.2 Project

Upgrade Notes and Procedure

The upgrade procedure as defined below reflects the recommended order to migrate from MarkLogic 9/DHF4.3.2 to MarkLogic 11/DHF4.3.3.



Backup all source code and servers before continuing.

Impact analysis and remedial changes to source and configuration

Review the following documentation before continuing. Not only are there differences in the upgrade process, the nature of this release is also related to an increase of 2 major numbers of MarkLogic versions. There are some known incompatibilities between MarkLogic 9 and MarkLogic 11. You might need to make some minor code changes to your MarkLogic 9 applications before they can run correctly in MarkLogic 11. For details on the incompatibilities, see Known Incompatibilities with Previous Releases.

Additional information is also available in the MarkLogic Release Notes

Upgrade MarkLogic

MarkLogic should be upgraded following the standard process as defined here: Installing MarkLogic Server.

Upgrade DHF

The upgrade process for DHF assumes that a standard gradle setup exists as originally created with hubInit and/or hubUpdate. If local changes have been made, adjustments may be necessary.

Change DHF plugin version

Within the file build.gradle change the version of the plugin com.marklogic.datahub from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3.


plugins {
    id 'com.marklogic.datahub' version '4.3.3'

Update DHF version in gradle.properties

The version information also needs to be updated to 4.3.3.



Manually Update gradle-wrapper.properties

Due to a current known bug with gradle, it is not possible to automatically update the version of gradle-wrapper (gradlew). Instead, the value of distributionUrl to gradle-7.6.4-bin.zip



Validate by Running hubInit

In this case, hubInit is not upgrading your distribution. Instead, we use it to prove that the combination of settings changes above are successful.

Deploy to MarkLogic

Deploy the changes to MarkLogic by running the following command:

./gradlew mlDeploy

See Also