Tutorial: Takeaways
In this tutorial, you learned the full process of ingesting and harmonizing data from your source datasets into a data hub in the MarkLogic Server with variations in handling more complex data and personally identifiable information (PII).
QuickStart is intended for use in a development environment only. For production, use MLCP or other tools for input flows and gradle tasks or your own code (using the provided Java classes) for harmonization flows. See DHF Tools.
Clean Up
To delete one or more databases created by this tutorial,
- In QuickStart’s navigation bar, click Dashboard.
- In the Databases section, click the trash icon for the database you want to delete.
- To delete all database, click the skull icon at the top right of the Databases section.
To delete the entire data hub created by this tutorial and to uninstall DHF,
- In QuickStart’s navigation bar, click Settings.
- Select Uninstall Hub.
Additional Resources
- MarkLogic University: Data Hub Framework On Demand Video Courses
- Data Hub Framework Examples: Many examples of how to use the Data Hub Framework
Questions: Use the #marklogic-dhf tag on StackOverflow.
Comments/Bugs: File an issue on Github.