Gradle Properties
The following are DHF-specific Gradle properties used by the data hub to install and run properly.
Property | Description |
mlStagingAppserverName | The application server name used for the staging database. |
mlStagingPort | Specifies the port to be used by the staging app server. |
mlStagingDbName | Specifies the name for the staging database. |
mlStagingForestsPerHost | Specifies the number of forests per host for the staging database. |
mlFinalAppserverName | The application server name used for the final database. |
mlFinalPort | Specifies the port to be used by the final app server. |
mlFinalDbName | Specifies the name for the final database. |
mlFinalForestsPerHost | Specifies the number of forests per host for the final database. |
mlJobAppserverName | The application server name used for the jobs database. |
mlJobPort | Specifies the port to be used by the jobs app server. |
mlJobDbName | Specifies the name for the jobs database. |
mlJobForestsPerHost | Specifies the number of forests per host for the jobs database. |
mlModulesDbName | The modules database to be used along with the staging, final, and jobs app servers. |
mlStagingTriggersDbName | The triggers database to be used along with the staging app server. |
mlStagingSchemasDbName | The schemas database to be used along with the staging app server. |
mlFinalTriggersDbName | The triggers database to be used along with the final app server. |
mlFinalSchemasDbName | The schemas database to be used along with the final app server. |
mlModulePermissions | Comma-delimited string of role/capability/role/capability/etc. that defines permissions for deployed modules. |
mlIsHostLoadBalancer | Indicates whether the value specified for mlhost should be treated as a load balancer or not. |
mlIsProvisionedEnvironment | (Optional) Indicates whether your production environment is provisioned by a cloud provider. Must be true if using MarkLogic Data Hub Service. Default is false . |
mlDataHubAdminRole mlDataHubAdminUserName mlDataHubAdminUserPassword |
(For v4.3 or later) The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to set up and install DHF. |
mlFlowDeveloperRole mlFlowDeveloperUserName mlFlowDeveloperUserPassword |
(For v4.3 or later) The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to create and deploy flows. |
mlFlowOperatorRole mlFlowOperatorUserName mlFlowOperatorUserPassword |
(For v4.3 or later) The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to run flows in the production environment. |
Other properties conform to the ml-gradle properties. See the ml-gradle Property Reference