Create a DHF Project Using the DHF Gradle Plugin

Install Prerequisites

  • Gradle 3.4 or newer (see below if you have an older version)
  • MarkLogic 9.0-1.1 or newer

If you already have gradle installed, you can use the following command to check the version:

gradle -v

If your version is older than 3.4, do one of the following:

  • Upgrade gradle.
  • Install the gradle wrapper. We strongly recommend this. Installing the gradle wrapper is simple, see below.

To install the gradle wrapper, run the following command:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 3.4

Once the wrapper is installed, you must run gradle on your DHF project using the “gradlew” shell script on *nix or the “gradlew.bat” batch file on Windows.

./gradlew ...
gradlew.bat ...

Create a DHF Project

The first step in using ml-data-hub is to create your DHF project. Start by creating a project directory (henceforth referred to as $project-dir).

Next create a build.gradle file in that directory ($project-dir/build.gradle) that looks like the following. Adjust the version value of as needed to match the version of DHF you are using.


plugins {
    // This plugin allows you to create different environments
    // for your gradle deploy. Each environment is represented
    // by a gradle-${env}.properties file
    // See
    // specify the env on the command line with:
    // gradle -PenvironmentName=x ...
    id '' version '1.4.6'

    // This gradle plugin extends the ml-gradle plugin with
    // commands that make the Data Hub Framework do its magic
    id '' version '4.3.2'

You can then initialize your DHF project.

./gradlew hubInit
gradlew.bat hubInit

You should see output like this:

# Your Data Hub Framework Project is ready.

 - Set username and password
     There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to set mlUsername and mlPassword in
     For other approaches see:

 - To deploy your application into MarkLogic...
     gradle mlDeploy    # this will bootstrap your application
     gradle mlLoadModules        # this will load your custom plugins into MarkLogic

 - Full list of gradle tasks:

 - Curious about the project structure?
     Look here:


Total time: 1.932 secs

Your DHF project has been initialized and you are ready to get down to business.

Set Username and Password

You must set your username and password for the ml-data-hub Gradle plugin to communicate with MarkLogic. You can do so in any of the following ways:

  • In your properties file: Open $project-dir/ and supply your MarkLogic username and password.


  • In your environment-specific properties file: Open $project-dir/gradle-$, where $env is the environment you wish to setup. By default, the project has the local environment. Supply your MarkLogic username and password.


  • On the command line: If you don’t want to store your username and password in files, you can supply them on the command line.
./gradlew someTask -PmlUsername=admin -PmlPassword=admin
gradlew.bat someTask -PmlUsername=admin -PmlPassword=admin