Ingest Using QuickStart
QuickStart uses MLCP to execute its input flows.
QuickStart is not supported for production use.
Before you can ingest, you must already have a DHF project. You can create one with QuickStart or with the Gradle plugin.
1 - Create the entity.
To create your entity,
- In QuickStart’s navigation bar, click Entities.
- Click the wrench icon to open the entity tools control.
- Click + New Entity.
- In the New Entity form, set Title to the name you choose for your entity.
Click Save.
If prompted to update the index, click
The new entity card is displayed.
2 - Create the input flow and run it.
2.1 - Create an input flow for your entity.
- In QuickStart’s navigation bar, click Flows.
- Expand the tab with your entity name in the left panel.
- Click the + for Input Flows.
- In the Create Input Flow dialog, set Input Flow Name to the name you choose for your input flow.
- Click CREATE.
- Your new flow appears under Input Flows in the left panel.
- The Run Input Flow wizard appears on the right.
2.2 - Configure and run your flow.
Under Input Files, use the file browser to select your raw data source directory.
Under General Options, change Input File Type to Delimited Text.
Under Delimited Text Options, enable the Generate URI? option to automatically generate a unique URI for each document you load.
QuickStart displays a completion notice.